mTBI and Concussion

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) & Concussion

Patients who suffer a mild traumatic brain injury, such as concussion, head injury in a sports accident or a fall, or a whiplash injury resulting from a motor vehicle accident, often do not realize the significant potential for serious, long term effects and even an increased risk of dementia in the future.

Many people who have experienced a concussion will suffer from symptoms that persist for weeks, months, or even years after the initial injury. Studies suggest that around 15% of those affected by post-concussion syndrome (PCS) as it is known – will develop persistent symptoms.

Call our center now on (305) 889-7488 or Inquire Online to see how we can help you.


The symptoms of PCS include psychological, emotional, and physical manifestations such as dizziness, vertigo, headache, eye pain, and neck stiffness. Other, perhaps even more worrying symptoms include problems with spatial awareness, brain fog, memory issues, and being slower than usual in processing information.

The headache after a concussive injury often encompasses pain in the base of the skull and neck, behind the eyes, across the forehead, and in the temples. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can cause axial compression of the Occiput (the area where the skull attaches to the spine). This can cause altered nerve and blood flow because of the inflammation and pressure and result in a headache.

Long-Term Dementia Risks

Researchers from the Center for Translational Neuromedicine at the University of Rochester co-published a study in 2012 that has fundamentally changed the way that scientists understand neurological disorders. The study states –

We know that traumatic brain injury early in life is a risk factor for the early development of dementia in the decades that follow.

Traumatic brain injury can create conditions in the brain that make neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease more likely.¹

How Can Functional Neurology Help?

The severity of the initial injury does not necessarily determine the severity of the post-concussion syndrome. Functional Neurology and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy are exceptional in their ability to restore neuroplasticity to the brain, reducing the cortical symptoms, vertigo, and the associated head and neck pain.

If you have suffered a TBI and are experiencing worrying symptoms or are concerned about the potential long-term risks to your health, contact Bagnell Brain Center at (305) 889-7488​​​​​​​ to arrange an assessment today.

At BBC, we use state of the art testing for TBI patients. This is a painless and non-invasive means of measuring the tiny movements of the eyes and pupils that cannot be detected during a normal examination. Analysis of this eye movement data enables us to understand which area or areas of the brain are affected.

Gentle care, the aim of which is to restore neuroplasticity and normal brain function is used in a treatment plan tailored to the needs of the individual. These can include:

  • Oculomotor (eye) exercises to relieve symptoms

  • Motor rehabilitation to reduce pain, inflammation, promote normal joint motion, and restore muscle strength and symmetry

  • Vestibular and Neurological rehabilitation designed to relieve vertigo, dizziness, and problems with spatial awareness often associated with TBI

  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to increase tissue oxygenation and enhance cellular recovery

  • Neurofeedback to create normalized regulation of brainwave activity

  • Functional medicine review of metabolic health for improved long-term healing

Treatment plans are specific and tailored to the level of severity and type of problems experienced. The aim is always to get each patient on the road to recovery and back to their daily activities.

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